Celebrating the Bikini Body

Bikini Body

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 5, 2022

Today is bikini day! On July 5, 1946, Louis Reard revealed his newest, risque creation: the bikini. This two-piece bathing suit was quite a difference from the modest one-piece dresses women used to wear to the beach. It immediately became popular in Europe. It took us in North America a little longer to warm up to the idea of women showing more skin. Bikinis became popular here in the 1960’s. And thus, the bikini body was born!

What is a Bikini Body?

If you have a body and you wear a bikini, you have a bikini body. That’s what it should be. In truth, it’s not that simple. Society dictates that to wear a bikini, you should have long legs, a bit of a bust, and be as thin as the models on a catwalk. Most people are a little more forgiving than that. Some people enjoy the view of a curvier bikini body, while others prefer the view if someone is a bit thinner. But online, you will rarely see someone compliment others on their bikini bodies. These trolls make us all self-conscious and uncomfortable in posting pictures.

I saw a Tik Tok video that shows a woman wearing a bikini and clapping her thighs together as she comes down the stairs of her house. My first thought is, “Good for you, girl!” My second thought is, “I could never.” The hateful comments she gets is truly disgusting.

Do I have a Bikini Body?

Yes! With all my rolls and loose skin, I have a bikini body. When I started keto, my goal was to get down to 180 pounds, which was my weight when I was young and fit. I determined that if I got to that weight, I would buy myself a bikini. Well, I hit my target and I bought the bikini.

Bikini Body
Hiding from Bikini season!

Have I worn the bikini yet? No. Why not? We don’t have a lot of chances to wear them in Nova Scotia, where we only have 2-3 months of what I consider warm weather. But, we are planning a trip to Florida next winter, and that baby is getting packed!

Where is My Bikini Pic?

I’m a big talker, but you’ll notice I don’t have a picture of me in a bikini for this blog. Bill asked if I was going to take one, and I said no. This may seem a little hypocritical. After all, I just said that I have a bikini, I have a body, so I have a bikini body. But, the truth is that it’s a little more complicated than that.

Firstly, let me say that I am proud of my accomplishments. I am truly happy with the way I look at this point in my life. But, I’ve worked hard to get to that point. Keto has helped me lose 65 pounds! I never would have considered buying a bikini before that. But, my confidence is shaky at best, and it doesn’t take much for me to go into a downward spiral about my appearance. I’ve been negative about myself for a lot of years. It takes time to get up to the level of self-assurance where you post a picture.

I know that if I post a picture online of me in a bikini, there will be negative comments. That’s just the way some people make themselves feel better. If Jennifer Aniston gets hateful comments about the way she looks, I’m definitely getting some haters. My body has been through some stuff – pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and now menopause. I’ve gained weight and lost weight. It’s not a pristine model anymore. I know that. I also know that the negative comments will bring me down and make me feel bad about myself. I’m not ready for that yet.

Finding Confidence in your Bikini Body

All this to say that I recognize that it is not easy for any of us to put on a two-piece and feel comfortable and confident. It’s a process, and I’m working on it. The first step for me was buying it. The next step will be wearing it someplace where I don’t know anyone. Then, I’ll wear it to the local beach. Eventually, hopefully, I will get to the point where I can post a pic online.

Celebrate your bikini body the way you are comfortable. If that means walking around your house in one, good for you! If you go to a beach or take a pic for social media, good for you! Enjoy #BikiniDay any way you want.


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