How to Stay Motivated on Keto

Motivated on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 23, 2021

Probably the most common question we get is how do we stay motivated on keto?  We started out with the motivation of keeping Bill healthy and while I know that there are a lot of good things about keto, I also know that keto is hard work and requires constant energy and focus.  So, how do we keep motivated, even when we have hit our target weights so we aren’t seeing weight loss results anymore? 

Staying Motivated on Keto

Keeping your motivation close to your heart and in your kitchen is key to staying on track.  If you just think about your original motivation, like I want to lose weight or I want to look better, chances are you aren’t going to keep up with the keto way of life.  So, let’s start with a question: what makes you happy?  Now think about how keto helps you with that.  

There are a few things that I (Wendy) enjoy doing.  I’ve always enjoyed horseback riding.  When my weight got up to over 220 pounds, I was to the point where I was sometimes too heavy for the horses available.  Well, that’s embarrassing!  Now that I’m back down to the 165 pound range, I can go on a trail ride and be confident that I can ride whatever horse they have for me.  

Find that Motivation

Disney World is a family joy in the Knowlton household.  The last time we went was in 2016 (that’s when the blog picture was taken).  How things have changed since then!  Bill and Wendy plan on going again on an adult Disney trip once the pandemic is a thing of the past.  We suddenly realized that when we go next time, we won’t have to worry about needing an addition for our airplane seatbelts or being too big for some of the newer rides.  We can go and know that we will be as comfortable as possible on a plane and we can go on whatever attractions we choose!

Motivated on Keto
The pounds that have come off since then are a motivation!

One of my favourite things to do is go shopping for clothes.  This connection to keto should be obvious.  I hunt for bargains and clothes that suit my body and my personality.  Being able to buy regular sized clothing has opened up so many options for me!  For example, I went into Banana Republic for the first time a few months ago.  I found out that their style was not for me.  Who knew?  Not me, because I never even went into the store when I was a plus size!

Stay Motivated on Keto by Using Your Knowledge

I enjoy writing.  Keto has given me an outlet for this passion.  I can write blogs, books and hopefully give important information to people who want to follow this same journey.  I’m able to keep up with the schedule because when I come home from work, I usually still have the energy to put my heart and soul into a blog.  Before I started keto, I was exhausted when I came home from work and all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed.

I enjoy baking.  You might wonder how keto helps with that one!  Well, I love finding and adapting recipes of regular baked goods and making them keto friendly.  When someone tries your cookies and they don’t even realize they are keto, that’s a great feeling.  We have put together an entire cookbook of keto desserts available on our website here to purchase that are just plain yummy.  

Staying the Course

Keto is a lot of planning and a lot of prepping.  It’s not an easy way of living because it’s real food that you have to cook yourself.  We have not found that short cuts (like pre-packaged keto meals) are affordable or tasty.  So, it’s more important than ever to have your motivations nearby to keep you on track.  Bill’s health started our journey on keto but our motivations to stay on keto are more than that.   They are about enjoying our lives in ways we haven’t been able to for a very long time.


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