Nudity and Weight Loss

nudity and weight loss

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 14, 2022

Have you ever heard the saying, “If I looked like that, I’d walk around naked all the time?” I’ve said it, and at the time, I meant it. If I looked like Jennifer Aniston, I’d be naked constantly – or at least wear as few clothes as possible. But, would you really? Bill and I have lost a lot of weight, so do we run around naked all the time? Well, today on National Nude Day, we’re going to talk about nudity and weight loss.

Famous People Who Are Rumoured to be Nudists

According to IMDb, there are many famous people who would rather go without clothing. Some are pretty much as naked as they can be in the media, so it isn’t a big surprise. These people include Pamela Anderson and Christina Aguilera. No judgment – they are beautiful and if they want to show skin, they have every right to do so!

Some of the people on the list surprised me a bit at first. Then, I thought about it, and they are just so cool, of course they enjoy the naturist way of life as much as possible. Helen Mirren and Kevin Bacon are the two that popped out to me.

One that I was not aware of was Benjamin Franklin. Yep, one of America’s founding fathers was rumoured to take “air baths.” These consisted of having cool air flow over him while he read. It obviously worked for him – although anyone who had to share a room with him may not have been so happy about it.

Preconceptions around Nudity and Weight Loss

Before I started keto, I thought that I was uncomfortable with my body because I was overweight. If I just lost some weight, I’d be okay with walking around naked (at least in my own home). But, I hated my stomach, my thighs, and under my arms.

nudity and weight loss
Goomba let’s it all hang out!

I didn’t even want to try new things while I was clothed, let alone if I was nude! If the opportunity came up, I would put them off, and say, “Maybe I’ll do that someday if I lose weight.” Ziplining or driving a motorcycle were not even a consideration. I wouldn’t even sit in a chair swing in case it broke. I was too self-conscious to try anything. Being naked was not an option.

Actual Feelings Around Nudity and Weight Loss

I lost 65 pounds on keto. I’m up and down a little here and there, but overall, I’m at a healthy weight for my size and age. You’d think I’d be good with showing a bit more skin, right? Nope. If anything, I might be a little more self-conscious because people who knew me before are constantly looking at me! Those parts of my body that I was uncomfortable with before are now saggy. Not a pretty sight. We posted a blog a few days ago around bikini day. I thought that losing weight would make me comfortable with wearing a bikini, but I was wrong. I’m working on it, but I’m not there yet.

I will say that the fact that I’m still self-conscious has given me a little bit of freedom. Apparently, pretty much everyone is uncomfortable with being nude. I mean, that’s why those famous people whose bodies I admire get plastic surgery, right? So, screw it. If Pamela Anderson felt she needed to enhance her body, then truly, who doesn’t? If you want to go naked, do it.

Celebrating Nude Day

Obviously, the possibilities are endless on how to celebrate Nude Day. Walk around your house with no clothes on. Go skinny dipping in your own, private pool. Pull a Benjamin Franklin and take an air bath. Just be careful to stay protected. Don’t try frying bacon for your keto breakfast without clothing as a barrier to the fat splattering. Definitely don’t forget sunscreen. And try not to get arrested!


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