Our Upcoming Keto Magazine

keto magazine

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on December 19, 2023

Our Married to Keto blog has done really well this year.  We want to thank all of our readers!  The blog has grown so much, and so we want to keep going and expand even more.  You’ve all inspired us to take the next step – publish a keto magazine!

A New Keto Magazine

Since publishing our keto workbook, people have been asking what’s next.  We took a little time to really think about what’s needed.  We didn’t want to just publish another book that would get lost in with all the others.  The next step needs to be something people truly want and need.

We bought a keto magazine recently.  It was about the same cost as many of the books we’ve purchased in the past!  And, the magazine was just about the basics of keto with a recipe or two we wanted to try.  Most of the other magazines in the rack were similar.  It was definitely not worth the $22 to us.  We thought we could do better.  Then, we looked at each other.  What if we really could do better?

The Benefits of Magazines

According to Linked In, there are a few benefits to magazines rather than books and online articles.  Firstly, it’s easier to keep up with changing trends.  Keto research is constantly updated as the diet becomes more mainstream.  When you write a book, it’s stuck in that era of information.  With magazines, you can keep up-to-date and change as things develop.

Magazines are easier to read in short spurts.  We know people are busier than ever, and the last thing they need is a 250 page book to slog through.  A magazine is a great way to give information and start people thinking about keto, without adding stress to their lives.

keto magazine
Coming soon!

Finally, there are no pop-up ads in a magazine to distract you from the information.  As much as we appreciate the revenue stream, we understand how annoying and distracting the ads can be.  This option lets you focus on getting the information, while we make a little money so we can keep providing the information.

What’s Different About This Keto Magazine?

So, what makes us so special?  Well, we are going to have a theme to each magazine that will hopefully be interesting to everyone.  It will be applicable to both keto beginners and pros.  This magazine’s theme is keto on a budget.

Food today is so expensive, and that’s a constant across the board.  We look at some cost saving tips for grocery shopping, as well as some ideas for keeping costs down with keto necessities.  We also take a look at the Canadian government’s action (and lack of) on food costs, and the rising prices of sweeteners.  And, of course, we have some keto recipes included in the magazine.

We have a contract with Amazon to publish four magazines in 2024 – one per quarter.  Our goal is to make each one unique enough that you want to read all four.  Our magazine in April will look at farm to table keto, and some of the ethics involved with deciding how to nourish your body.

Where Can I Get this Magazine?

Sound good?  We hope so!  You can buy it on Amazon.  You can also go to the store page on our website, using the same link as above, and buy it directly from us.  Not quite yet though!  It will be available early in the New Year – just in time for that New Year’s resolution!


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