Some Special Keto Mother’s Day Gifts

Keto Mother's Day

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 8, 2022

Twenty-two years ago, the most important moment in my life happened; I became a mother.  Our daughter was, and is, a center part of our family.  What I really want for Mother’s Day is a visit (in person or virtual) from her.  To me, it’s not about the cards or the gifts.  It’s all about being together on this day. Keto Mother’s Day or not!

Mother’s Day Founding

The founder of the American-style Mother’s Day felt the same way.  Anna Jarvis held the first Mother’s Day service at a church in West Virginia in the early 1900’s.  She started her campaign to recognize the holiday in 1905, the year her mother died.  It’s no wonder she wanted to honour her mother! 

Her mother, Ann Jarvis, was a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War.  She created a Mother’s Day Work Club to address public health issues.  Her goal was to create a Mother’s Day for Peace that would be a day for women to advocate for their husbands and sons no longer dying from going to war.  

Keto Mother's Day Gifts
Our Daughter Julia’s Wedding in 2020

In 1914, the holiday was deemed official in the States.  It was to be celebrated the second Sunday of May each year.  You would think Anna Jarvis would be happy, and she was for a while.  Then, Hallmark got hold of the idea and started to make it a commercial holiday.  Anna was furious.  She hated the commercialization of Mother’s Day and was once even arrested for protesting at a Mother’s Day event.  She sounds like my kind of woman.

Traditional and Keto Mother’s Day Gifts

Gifts are nice, flowers are beautiful, but what I truly want for Mother’s Day is time.  Time with my daughter.  Usually, our daughter gets me a little something but also takes time out of her day to connect with me.  So here are a few ideas for what to give your keto mom.

For Keto Gifts:

  • Flowers;
  • Lily’s chocolate (always a hit);
  • A cheese plate;
  • A sweet dessert from a local keto bakery;
  • A small piece of jewelry that represents your relationship.

What Your Keto Mom Really Wants:

  • A heart-felt note or letter;
  • Time with you;
  • A hug and a kiss.

The beauty of what your keto mom really wants is that, while it is very sweet, there are no carbs involved.  

Keto Mother’s Day or Traditional Mother’s Day

I will spend Mother’s Day with my mom.  She is 91 years old and while she is not keto, she has always been clear on what she really wants as a celebration of her many years of being a truly inspirational mother is time with her kids.  I am truly blessed to still have her in my life.

It’s important to note that Mother’s Day can be a difficult day for those who have lost their mothers or those who did not have a good relationship with their mothers.  Most of us have some woman in their life who was special to them and offered them inspiration and support when they needed it the most.  Don’t get hung up on who gave birth to you. 

Mother’s Day can be about celebrating the women in your life who you turn to when you need someone.  Anna Jarvis was that woman to many men who were wounded in war – on both sides of the conflict.  Take a moment to say thank you to the women in your life who are there when you need them the most.


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