When I was a kid (many moons ago), kids usually had dinner and then had a snack before bed. It was part of the routine. The idea behind that was to give your body a final boost before going to sleep and giving your body the nutrients it needed to repair. Today, we hear that late night snacking is bad for us. So, what’s the real deal on late night snacking? And how does keto factor into the decision to snack or not to snack?
Are the Risks of Late Night Snacking a Myth?
Some research shows that it doesn’t matter what time you eat. What matters is how much you eat and the amount of physical activity you do over the entire day. This sounds a lot like the “calorie in, calorie out” theory. Is a calorie just a calorie, no matter what time it is taken in? Some research says yes. It runs counter to my belief, but who am I?
There is research that says that eating certain foods before bed can actually promote sleep. Pistachios, for example, offer a dose of melatonin, which is a natural sleep agent. Turkey, as another example, is well known to a make us sleepy after eating it. Remember Thanksgiving dinner, and how everyone is sleepy afterwards? You can use that to your advantage.
There is also research that shows certain foods that are high in protein can help your body rebuild your muscles as you sleep. The purpose of sleep is to repair our bodies and get us ready for the following day of action. We need protein for that.
Are the Risks of Late Night Snacking True?
Other research indicates that late night snacking can raise your blood sugar levels. That’s going to keep you from sleeping, not help you. People often eat high-carb and high calorie foods before bed. I certainly did. That was what I craved before I started keto. I’d have a piece of toast with jam, cookies, or chips after supper. As a kid, it was usually some form of bread that I’d have for a snack.

Being hungry after dinner can mean that you aren’t eating enough during the day. Or, it can mean that you’re just used to eating after dinner and it’s a habit. Late night eating can be due to boredom or stress. I ate after dinner because it was a habit. Now, I have a keto-friendly sweet after dinner and that keeps me going.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep, it can cause you to become hungry at night. Well, isn’t that just a never-ending cycle! I eat because I’m tired, I can’t sleep because I eat before bed. Seems like that would be a difficult cycle to break.
What Late Night Snacking Can Be Helpful
If you decide to have a late night snack, make sure you choose wisely. Caffeinated foods and drinks can obviously keep you up at night. Studies say that you need to stay away from coffee, tea, and chocolate about 6 hours before you plan to go to sleep. You should also stay away from spicy foods. Heartburn and indigestion is more likely if you eat spicy foods and then go lie down to sleep. There is also evidence that the spices increase your body temperature, which can lead to poor sleep quality.
The foods that can be good for sleeping include those high in fiber. Nuts are a good snack before bed. Nuts also have high levels of melatonin, which can help you fall asleep. Cheese is also a high protein food that can be good for a snack before bed. Of course, that’s real cheese – no cheese spray here!
The Impact of Keto
Keto naturally keeps you full longer, because you are taking in more fat. Before I started keto, I ate a bedtime snack every night. Once I started keto, I realized I wasn’t hungry before bed. It took me a while to break the habit though. I ate more because I was stressed or bored than due to hunger. Today, like I said, I eat a fat bomb or keto-friendly dessert after dinner, and I’m good until I go to bed. It’s so much easier to not snack at night when you realize you don’t need it and you don’t feel hungry.