The Keto Cats Take Over Tiger Day

the keto cats

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 29, 2022

It’s Tiger Day, and it made me think that maybe it’s time to let everyone in on why we are so obsessed with cats here at Married To Keto. The fact is that Bill and I have had cats in our lives since our daughter was little. They have always been a huge part of our family, so it only seemed fitting that when we started this blog and website, the keto cats would take over.

Bringing Cats into our Lives

When we first started dating, Bill told me he did not like cats. Nevertheless, I took this one negative quality about him and we kept on dating. I always loved cats and they had been part of my home since I was about 5 years old. Then, our daughter was about 1 year old, and a couple of kittens were in desperate need of a home. Bill came home and announced that we were picking up the kittens the next morning. I could not have loved him more.

We’ve had many cats join our family since then. Our record was having 7 cats at one time. They are more than pets to us; they are a part of our family. We integrate them into everything we do. So, at the moment we have 4 fur babies.

Who Are the Keto Cats?

Tessa is the queen of the pack. She is a young 17 years old and she rules with an iron paw. She has always been…shall we say tenacious? It’s her way or the highway. She doesn’t particularly like the others – she just ignores them because she feels she is the only one who matters.

Koopa is the matriarch of the family. She is the brains behind the scenes. When we got Link (the baby), she took charge of mothering him. She is loving – on her own terms. And, if you piss her off, she’ll bite your toes. True story.

the keto cats

Goomba is our big, sweet boy. I’ve never had a ginger tabby before, and he is well worth the wait. He is so loving and has no idea that he’s huge. He weighs about 25 pounds. We’ve tried putting him on diets, and nothing seems to work. He’s not a huge keto fan, really. But when he snuggles into you and looks up into your eyes, it’s all you can do not to melt.

Link is the baby. He also was a kitten in desperate need of a home. He had been adopted, but the family took him back to the shelter because he had an upper respiratory infection. Since we’ve had lots of cats, that didn’t intimidate us. But he seems to remember how happy he was to be brought into our fold. He loves unconditionally, and the only thing he likes more than snuggles is playing.

Why are the Keto Cats Part of this Blog?

When we started this website and blog, we knew that we wanted to be open to our readers. We want to let you in on all the ups and downs we experience with keto. When we started keto, we knew nothing, and we learned as we went. Our goal is to offer you our experiences so maybe you don’t have to learn some things the hard way.

The idea is that we don’t just want to tell you about keto. We want to tell you about our experiences with keto and how keto has impacted us as a family. The cats are a part of our family. Bill has done up some cartoons featuring our keto cats as a fun social media piece. We hope you enjoy them and they make you smile. Please feel free to send us some pictures of your own keto cats!

So, that’s why we include our cats with our keto information. We hope that if you follow us, you enjoy seeing their personalities shine through with the photos we share and the creative pieces we make up. Happy Tiger day!


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