Are Cheese Whisps Keto Friendly?

cheese whisps review

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on September 17, 2023

Cheese whisps are little, crunchy bites of cheese.  The company is American and promotes that it uses fresh milk that is sourced locally.  And it is just cheese – 100% cheese.  We have these at our grocery stores in Canada, so I’ve tried a couple of the more common flavours: parmesan and tomato basil.  

The Cheese Whisps Experiment

So, I went into this experiment looking for a substitute for chips.  Whisps are not that.  They are crunchy, which is nice!  They are also salty.  But they have a very strong taste.  To bust into a bag and just eat a bunch of them as a snack really is not for me.  I wanted desperately to have a substitute for the chips I used to eat before I went on keto, but that’s not really fair to the product.  They never claim to be the keto chips.  

I have seen recipes on keto websites for using cheese as a chip.  You bake it and then dip it into salsa or a ranch dressing.  I’ve never been a big fan of that either.  When I bake cheese, it kind of turns out limp.  There is no crunch like there is in, say, a nacho chip.  It also brings the saltiness out of the cheese, and I find that quite strong.  So, I’m not sure why I was thinking Whisps would be more like potato chips.  I guess I was just hoping.  As I said before, they do have the crunch and I do enjoy that!

Known Information on Cheese Whisps

When I went on their website, they have a page of recipes and suggest using Whisps in a salad (almost like a crouton).  They also have the idea of crushing up some of them and using them as a coating for zucchini.  I bet you could do that for fish or chicken as well.  Now we’re talking!  I bought a bag of the tomato basil ones recently and I think I might try some chicken, dipped in egg and coated with the Whisps.  That sounds really good!

cheese whisps

I have to say, I really enjoyed their website.  I’m a sucker for “dad” jokes, or I guess in this case, “cheesy” jokes, and they have a few.  One of them is:

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese!

Hee, hee, hee.  They have a few more too, so if you like the “cheesy” humour, go on and have a giggle.  

Not All You Can Eat, But Close

You can eat quite a few of these little morsels.  Half of a bag of the parmesan has only 150 calories, 10 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs and 13 grams of protein.  Half a bag of the tomato basil has 150 calories, 11 grams of fat, 1 gram of net carbs (taking away the fiber count) and 12 grams of protein.  And why wouldn’t they be good for keto?  They are just cheese!

Overall, I think I will find a good use for Whisps.  I set them up for failure when I first tried them because I wanted them to be something they weren’t, and something they didn’t claim to be.  Now that I know what they actually are and how they taste, I’m going to try them in my salad and on my chicken.  I’ll let you know how that goes!  


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