Bill and I have been working night and day on this new keto magazine. We have partnered with Amazon to publish 4 magazines this year – one a quarter. We used to buy magazines all the time for their recipes and their information. But, the magazines were expensive and they were usually geared towards people who were just starting keto. How many times can you pay to read about the proper keto macros? We thought we could do better, so here we are! This is a preview of the articles on the increased cost of food.
Increased Cost of Erythritol
One of the articles in our magazine discusses the increasing cost of erythritol. This sweetener is very popular in the keto world, but it’s also becoming popular in the health industry in general.
“According to Business Research Insights, the demand for erythritol has increased, and will likely continue to increase. People are recognizing that obesity is becoming an epidemic. In 2000, about 30% of Americans were obese. In 2020, almost 42% of Americans were obese. It’s steadily rising, and it’s affecting both adults and children. Added sugar is one of the issues pointed out by health professionals, so people are turning to other options, like erythritol.”
Last winter, there was research that indicated erythritol might not be as safe as we thought. Did that affect prices? Not so much. There were questions about the research, and professionals seem to think the risks of obesity far outweigh (see what I did there) the risks this study might indicate.
Grocery CEO’s at a Hearing for the Increased Cost of Food
In Canada, government officials held the CEO’s feet to the fire a little bit to ask why food costs were increasing so much. Especially when profits have gone up in the industry.
“Grocery prices are through the roof, and it’s not just here in Canada that people are noticing.

Prices went up over 11% between January 2022 and January 2023. The average price increase in past years was 6%. But, I’m sure that’s across the board, right? Well, companies have actually enjoyed record profits. What the heck is going on?”
In this article, we look at the hearings and the excuses – er, reasons – that the CEO’s gave for why the cost of food keeps going up. Read the article and let us know what you think about their justifications.
Is a Brand Name worth the Increased Cost?
In this article, we discuss why a brand name (i.e. Heinz) is more expensive than a generic brand (i.e. No Name). Are they truly better tasting? Are the ingredients better? What is the big difference?
“The real story is not about quality. Canada and the United States have pretty strict policies about what companies can feed us, so while there may be a bit of difference, that is not what truly makes the product cheaper..”
We all have a preferred brand – whether that’s due to our childhood or actual taste is up for debate. But, one way to bring down the cost of eating is to look at the generic brands and give them a try. This article will give you some insight on the similarities and differences in the products.
The Next Keto Magazine Coming
We hope you enjoy this one and decide to also get our next magazine, due out in April. The next magazine is on farm-to-table keto. Farm-to-table is a relatively new concept with old roots. It’s about taking out the middle person and getting your food directly from the source. You would think this would be cheaper, but is it? We’ll take a look at this way of eating and how you can make it work with keto. It will be out just in time for planting a garden of your own!